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Frequently Asked Questions

Insurance Questions

There are a few ways you can pay for therapy.

USA Residents: Insurance, self-pay, out-of-network benefits, health savings accounts. Have a look at our rates page to get an idea of how much therapy will cost out of pocket or give us a call and we can walk you through it. 

Canadian residents: We will provide you with a superbill that you can provide to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Just like a medical appointment, if you haven’t met your deductible, you will need to pay the cost of the session out of pocket until your deductible is met. We have resident therapists on staff that provide therapy at a reduced self-pay rate. This might be a good option for you if you have a high deductible plan. 

If we are out of network with your insurance and you have out of network benefits we will charge the full session fee at the time of service and provide you with a Superbill. The superbill will have all the relevant information for insurance to review it and reimburse you.  Please see our rates page for more information. 

If we are in-network with your insurance and you would like to pay out of pocket you will sign an insurance opt out form. If in the future you change your mind and want to use insurance you will sign an insurance opt in form. 

Therapy Questions

There is that misconception, but our sessions are goal oriented. We are here to support and challenge you. We will listen, acknowledge, guide and together we will set milestones for you to reach.
Although we often turn to friends and family for support, there are times when the problems we face are too personal to share, or when we do not wish to burden others with our problems. This is where the support and guidance of psychotherapist is beneficial. Therapy provides long-lasting benefits and support, giving you the tools you need to avoid triggers, re-direct damaging patterns, and overcome whatever challenges you face.
During our first session, our first job is to create a safe place for you to share your story. We will ask targeted questions and mostly listen, and stop you to ask any clarifying questions. We will complete a thorough assessment of your situation and together we will set goals. Our first session will be 60 minutes in length to allow us to go through practice policies and any questions you may have about the therapeutic process.
The duration of therapy looks different for everyone. Some clients feel like they got what they needed from just one or two sessions. Others need months to go through this transformational experience. On average my clients see a therapist for 6 – 12 months.
Your therapist will discuss this with you after the first appointment is complete. Frequency is dependent on numerous factors like acuity, diagnosis, therapy modality and personal preference.
Therapy sessions are typically 45 minutes in length.

General Questions

We recommend discussing sensitive topics during sessions. If you need to get hold of your therapist outside of sessions you can use the secure messaging in your client portal to contact your therapist. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or visit for services available to you.

We respect our clients and their valuable time, and we expect the same for our providers. We expect 24-hours notice for any cancelations or to reschedule. With 24-hours notice, we can then offer our services to someone else who needs help. 

Any cancelations inside of 24 hours of your scheduled appointment will be charged at the standard session rate. 

We work with adolescents and teenagers, adults and 65+
What you share with us is completely confidential except in the case of threat of harm to self or other suspected child or dependent elder abuse in the case of a court subpoena.